Technical Advisor

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Our technical advisory service provides expert knowledge in the Construction and Property sector, who can deliver detailed information and advice to clients.

For example, a local authority may require a Technical Advisor to deliver the production of output specifications which will form part of a procurement pack or a contractor responding to an Invitation to Tender (ITT) will frequently use Technical Advisors to ensure that the quality of their responses are robust, and will directly align to the requirements set out in an ITT.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, we are often asked to act in a liaison role to respond to requirements from funders in fulfillment of lending criteria for private developments, where we are contracted to provide technical services.

Our Technical Advisory services will usually employ a need to bring a number of our service offerings together to provide an overall solution which will demonstrate synergy and inter-dependency. These services may include:

Cost Management/Quantity Surveying
Facilities Management
Whole Life Planning
Procurement Advice/Management
Business Cases and Option Appraisals
Project/Programme Management
Risk Management
Value Engineering

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Unit 330
Queens Dock Business Centre
67-83 Norfolk Street
L1 0BG


Registered in England & Wales.
Registration No: 08790086
VAT No: GB 180 4223 35

Regulated by RICS
Constructionline "Gold"
ISO 9001:2015 QMS

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